Improve Uptime For Non-Critical Machinery Assets
Compact, cost-effective, cutting-edge technology based on decades of expertise and a customer base of thousands of monitoring systems that are successfully watching over machines worldwide. As an optimal condition monitoring solution, it helps turn vibration data into real business value.

Detect Developing Faults Earlier
VCM-3 is one step ahead of all other field devices. It uses specially defined measurements that not only automatically detect developing faults earlier, but also give a diagnostic indication on the type of fault and its severity. We packed over 20 years of condition monitoring experience into that little box to make your life easier.
The VCM-3 system is designed to cost-effectively optimize machinery asset health. It integrates seamlessly with the AVEVA™ PI System®, as well as other historians and plant-wide databases. It also connects to our cloud-based solution, for applications where client expertise is limited, or no data monitoring infrastructure exists.
Data Management and Installation Made Easy
The built-in OPC UA server enables the VCM-3 data to be seamlessly integrated to your DCS, SCADA, data historian and other systems. In fact, VCM-3 is one of the easiest field devices on the market to install and commission. VCM-3 can add a new dimension of health awareness on your assets, turning vibration monitoring data into real business value.
VCM-3 data can be fully integrated with VC-8000 data and fed directly into SETPOINT® CMS for a plant-wide solution encompassing machine protection and condition monitoring for both critical and Balance of Plant machinery assets.
Let’s Start the Conversation
Contact us today for a free consultation, and let’s discuss how we can empower your business with the best data driven solutions in the industry.